Plot Twist: Yoga in the Cemetery
Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United StatesJoin the teachers of St. Mark's Yoga Center for Plot Twist: Yoga at the Cemetery. This Vinyasa yoga class will be accessible to yogis of all levels! We will move [...]
Only at Congressional Guided Tour
Join us for a guided tour of Congressional Cemetery! Over 65,000 people are interred at Congressional Cemetery, ranging from 1807 all the way until the present day. Their story is [...]
Book Signing Event: Presidential Grave Hunter
Please join Congressional Cemetery for a book signing event for author Kurt Deion's new book, Presidential Grave Hunter: One Kid's Quest to Visit the Tomb of Every President and Vice President. The [...]
Elbridge Gerry Fourth of July Celebration
Please join The District of Columbia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for a Fourth of July Celebration and Brunch honoring the 247th Anniversary of America's Independence. Held [...]
July Cinematery: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United StatesWhat’s this? It’s Christmas and Halloween in July as the Summer of Surreal continues with one of Burton’s most iconic cinematic contributions. With the talented Henry Selick in the director’s [...]