K9 Corner2025-01-21T10:53:42-05:00

Dog Walkers play a vital role at Congressional Cemetery

  • Currently, about 1/4 of our operating income derives from donations by our dog walking members. That’s about equal to the cost of the maintenance contracts for the grounds.

  • Our dog walking community makes up a major portion of our volunteer efforts. From spring clean-ups to tree removals to archiving, we count on the dog walkers to wade in and help make things happen.

  • The presence of dog walkers at almost every hour of the day constitutes a de facto on site patrol all day long. With watch dog eyes and ears on duty, Congressional is mostly free and clear of riff raff and vandals.

  • Members also enjoy activities with their pups like “Yappy Hours” in the spring, photos with Santa at Christmas, and the Blessing of the Animals in October. These events are open to both members and non-members, unless stated otherwise.

Need to know when we are closed to dogs?

Text DOG to 1 (877) 589-4390 to receive our text alerts

Membership is a requirement of dog walking privileges in Congressional Cemetery.

The community comes together walking their dogs off-leash over the beautiful 35+ fenced acres. Membership is annual and runs from March 1st to the last day of February the following year. K9 Corps memberships are our largest ongoing fundraiser here at the cemetery.

Dog walking at the cemetery is a privilege permitted by membership only to active members in good standing who respect the space and its residents.

The purpose of the K9 Corps is to support the ongoing conservation work and public programming at Historic Congressional Cemetery. This is accomplished by each member’s ongoing volunteer work and annual membership fee. Non-member dog walking is only permitted with the purchase of a one-day pass ($15 per dog), and pass holders must follow K9 Corps rules.

Report all incidents that take place on the grounds, no matter how small or insignificant you may think the incident is. Staff will follow up with your incident report and it will be sent to the K9 committee, a part of the cemetery’s Board of Directors, for review.


K9 Corps membership is a privilege, not a right, and is maintained through an active relationship between dog owners and the cemetery. The price of K9 membership is $400 for the base, volunteer membership. The cost is $500 for the non-volunteer program. There is a charge of $50 for each additional dog, up to two. These fees support the ongoing work at HCC to preserve our sacred burial ground.

Volunteerism is at the core of the K9 Corps program

Each family that registers for a volunteer membership is required to commit to serving eight (8) volunteer hours annually in support of cemetery activities. Volunteer hours are a requirement because we wish for our members to be invested in the cemetery and in relationship with the staff, visitors, and other members. Volunteer opportunities are robust and vary from season to season.

What types of volunteer opportunities are available?
Volunteering can be done as an individual or in groups, onsite or offsite, virtually or in-person. Our offerings include taking photographs, clerical work, conservation, clean-up, giving tours, working events, and more. If you need a special accommodation or project, one can be made for you. Please contact the office for a more personalized volunteer opportunity.

Why do I see so many closures to dogs each week? Is this common?
As an active burial ground, our first duty is to those interred on the site and to the families of those burying their loved ones. For this reason, we commit to providing a dog-free atmosphere during all burials out of respect for the bereaved. Typically, the cemetery is closed one hour prior to a burial until one hour after the burial. There is a bell we will ring 15 minutes before a service to announce the coming closure should any dogs be onsite prior to the closing. As we often cannot predict when our burial services will be needed more than a few days in advance, these closures can occur with limited notice to the K9 Corps. The K9 corps will be notified of these closures by text and email as the information becomes available. We appreciate your understanding when this occurs; and your continued respect for our grieving families.

Additionally, we raise funds as a nonprofit by hosting private events and public programs. Closures to dogs coincide with these events, as well as for maintenance and conservation work. Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated as we continue to raise funds to keep our grounds beautiful and open for years to come.

The Cemetery is always closed to dog walking between 11am and 3pm every Saturday and on specific holidays, including Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Cemetery staff or the HCC Board of Directors may direct further closures on an as-needed basis. Thank you for your cooperation.

Dog walking is prohibited during ALL burials and services.

The Cemetery will also be closed at other times for special events, as announced in advance to the K9 Corps. Notifications of periodic closures for burials and events are sent via email and text to all members/walkers, posted on congressionalcemetery.org, and displayed on signage at the HCC main gate. It is the walker’s responsibility to confirm that the Cemetery is open to dogs before visiting. To maintain the integrity of burials, services, and non-dog walking events, the owner of any dog found to be on the Cemetery grounds during closure hours will have their membership/day-pass privileges immediately revoked.

Day Passes

The purpose of the day pass program is to allow community members to periodically experience the grounds with their dogs for recreation. Non-member dog walking is only permitted with the purchase of a one-day pass ($15 per dog). Day passes are valid only for the date on which they are purchased. The cemetery is open to the public from dawn to dusk.

We are closed to all dogs during:

  • Funerals
  • Private & community events
  • Each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for family grave site visits
  • Federal holidays

Need to know when we are closed to dogs?

Text DOG to 1 (877) 589-4390 to receive our text alerts

Day Pass Holders MUST:

  • Report all incidents that take place on the grounds, no matter how small or insignificant you may think the incident is. Staff will follow up with your incident report and it will be sent to the K9 committee, a part of the cemetery’s Board of Directors, for review.

  • Sign a waiver form to dog walking privileges. The waiver can be signed online or can be printed via the link below and brought with you the day you visit. Waivers must be signed annually and expire at the end of each calendar year.

  • Adhere to and follow the same K9 Corps rules. By not adhering to the rules, your dog walking privileges will be revoked.

Purchase a Day Pass

Day passes can be purchased onsite using one of our contactless payment options below:

Venmo – @CongCemetery
PayPal – @CongCemetery

Get Involved

We have many opportunities to help save this treasured place for people of all ages and abilities. Volunteer work keeps the Cemetery clean and secure as well as lively and well loved. Our volunteers put in thousands of hours of work each year. Help accomplish tasks the cemetery needs while earning the discounted volunteer rate for your K9 Corps membership. To receive the discounted rate, simply complete and document eight (8) hours of volunteer work annually per household.

Opportunities to volunteer are vast. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Act as a bartender, actor, event support, or guide for one of our many programs such as Soul Strolls, Dead Man’s Run, or Cinematery.
  • Become a docent and lead tours through our historic grounds.
  • Become an ambassador helping with visitor service (toolkit under ‘resources’).
  • Adopt-a-plot and keep our plants thriving.
  • Take photographs of stones for our archivist to update our records.
  • Set up for a yappy hour with owner pet parents and their furry little ones.
  • And more!

If you have an expertise you think you could lend (fundraiser, help find event sponsors, horticulturist, photographer, etc.), please let us know! We would be delighted to work with you to design a volunteer experience that highlights your talents.


What is a yappy hour? Yappy hours, our popular pup-friendly happy hours, occur almost monthly during the ‘nice weather’ season. Attendees are asked to bring a food item or beverage to share, while the cemetery provides the space, setup, drinks, and other treats. Some yappy hours are accompanied by pop-up gift shops or themed pet portraits. We also collect donations for local shelters at many of these events. We hope to see you and your pup soon!

Rules Refresher

Welcome to the Historic Congressional Cemetery (HCC) K9 Corps rules. Please bear in mind that HCC is first and foremost a functioning cemetery, not a “dog park,” and dog walking isa privilege that is limited to members of the HCC K9 Corps. Non-member dog walking is only permitted with the purchase of a one-day pass, and pass holders must follow K9 Corps rules. Collective enjoyment of the Cemetery should be readily possible as long as all dog walkers are courteous and considerate toward each other, the cemetery grounds, and other visitors.

The K9 Corps Committee has established the following rules and regulations to ensure that the Cemetery remains both a safe and pleasant environment for all. Please review these carefully; members will indicate agreement to fully comply with all terms and conditions of K9 Corps membership by signing an Acceptance of Rules/Waiver and Release of Liability at their annual mandatory membership orientation. Payment of the day-pass fee by non-members signifies an agreement to follow all K9 Corps rules. Those found in violation of any of these rules may have their privileges revoked immediately and without refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring a friend and their dog with my membership?2024-09-07T12:12:51-04:00

You may bring a friend and their dog, but they must pay the day pass fee, sign the waiver, and attest that the visiting dog is vaccinated and spayed/neutered. You are responsible for ensuring your guests know the K9 Corps rules as outlined on this page.

How will I know when there is a cemetery closure?2024-09-07T12:10:22-04:00

Cemetery closures are announced by text message, email, website banner, and with onsite signage. Please make sure the correct information is on file for the person who should receive the alerts, sign up for text messages, and follow posted closures. Our event calendar on this members-only page also indicates which events close to dogs. We always have a closure on Saturdays from 11 am until 3 pm for families to visit loved ones undisturbed. Funeral closures are announced as soon as the time and date are finalized with the office. This can be anywhere from the day before to a week before the funeral, depending on the burial customs of the deceased. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to balance being an active cemetery and community nonprofit organization with this dog-walking program.

I am leaving the area but may return in a year or two. Can I put my membership on hold?2024-09-07T12:11:33-04:00

There is an overwhelming interest in this program and many of your neighbors would be grateful for your spot should you need to leave the area. We would prefer if you would relinquish your spot to allow someone else to have the joy of visiting the cemetery as a member. If you want your membership to be available when you return, you must continue to pay your dues during this interim time to maintain your spot. Memberships cannot be put on hold for future use.

I am moving and want to transfer my membership to another family. Can I do that?2024-09-07T12:11:48-04:00

We are sorry to lose you! Unfortunately, we do not allow transfers of membership. We work to provide equal opportunity for procuring a new membership, especially for those who have been on a waiting list. Those individuals will be offered the next available membership slot as members leave the program.

I want to add another dog to my membership. How do I do this?2024-09-07T12:12:24-04:00

If you would like to add a dog and have not reached the three-dog limit, please email staff@congressionalcemetery.org. We will send you a link to complete the K9 information sheet on the new dog and ask you to pay the $50 dog fee.

If you have recently experienced the loss of your dog, you can transfer their membership to a new dog without cost during the membership year.

My dog or I experience something on the grounds (dog bite, aggressive dog, someone breaking the rules, hazardous terrain, or maintenance issue). How do I report this?2024-09-07T12:10:45-04:00

Please fill out an incident report by downloading the form or clicking the link under the ‘resources’ tab. If it is an emergency, call 911. If the issue is a concern, not an incident, please email staff@congressionalcemetery.org.

My partner and I split up, but I have the dog. What do I do?2024-09-07T12:11:05-04:00

Simply contact the office to change the contact information or fill out the form below under ‘resources’. The memberships are for each dog, not the human, making this a simple update.

When do I need to renew?2024-09-07T12:13:10-04:00

Renewal notices will be sent to the member email on file with the office beginning in mid-January of the renewal year. Renewal deadlines will be documented in those communications and typically cut off renewals by the end of February. If you need to update your contact information, please fill out the form below under ‘resources’.

When is my membership valid?2024-09-07T12:13:30-04:00

Your active membership is valid the first day of March through the last day of February in the subsequent year. For example, March 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024.

Membership is a requirement of dog walking privileges in Congressional Cemetery.

Closed to Dogs Calendar

Closed to Dogs

Please use this calendar to see our upcoming cemetery events which will include closures to dogs. Remember to check other communication avenues for funerals and other unexpected closures.

Calendar of Events

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M Mon

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Funeral Service

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