Individual donations make all the difference. In fact, individual donations make up most of the support for nonprofit organizations nationwide. Your impact is tangible, and your support is vital.

Did you know that when you give to the cemetery, your gifts ensure the caretaking of the physical space, as well as the continuation of beloved programs and events like Soul Strolls and our K-12 education programs? You also support innovation and creativity, like the introduction of Death Awareness and public art programs. Your contributions allow the cemetery to remain a community cornerstone on the Hill and a respected National Historic Landmark for visitors.

You can support the cemetery in many ways

Join the Skeleton Key Society with a Planned Gift

If there is one thing we all have in common, it is that we are all going to die. We make no secret of this fact here at Congressional Cemetery. In fact, we celebrate our pending deaths by living our lives thoughtfully, with purpose, and with a nod to those who will outlive us. If you have embraced your own mortality and enjoy our unconventional relationship with death, planned giving may be an option for you.

Debuting in 2024, the Skeleton Key Society is the planned giving community of Congressional Cemetery and includes individuals who have chosen to remember the cemetery in their wills and estate plans. To join, notify us of your pledged support in your will, and we will send you a welcome gift and invitations to special events.

Your pledge will be recognized in our annual report each year unless you choose to remain anonymous.

By remembering Congressional Cemetery in your will, establishing a charitable gift annuity or charitable trust, or making the cemetery a beneficiary of your IRA or Life Insurance Policy, you may create a lifetime stream of income for you and/or a member of your family, as well as enjoy a significant charitable income tax or estate tax deduction.

Please note: Making an estate gift requires careful planning and thoughtful consideration; therefore, we advise donors to consult with their financial advisors as they explore these options.

We hope to welcome you as the newest member of the Skeleton Key Society soon.

Right Now, with a Monetary Donation

Donate online or mail a check to the cemetery, located at:

1801 E Street SE,
Washington, DC 20003

Take Advantage of Tax Breaks and Employer Philanthropic Initiatives

Make Congressional Cemetery the recipient of your Donor-Advised Fund, Required Minimum Distribution, or an Employer-offered match program. All these programs allow you as the donor and the cemetery as the recipient to benefit from charitable contributions. Please consult with your financial advisor on DAFs and RMDs, and your employer on the specifics of their matching programs.


Looking for a way to make a difference? Congressional Cemetery needs your help!

Annual Reports

Learn more about progress at Congressional with our annual report.

Mission & Vision

We are constantly striving to maintain the historic, cultural, and aesthetic qualities of the Cemetery.