
Please Note

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Death Cafe

Historic Congressional Cemetery Chapel 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

As an active burial ground, Historic Congressional Cemetery is well acquainted with death. But just what is a Death Cafe? Death Cafe is a global movement facilitating thoughts and discussion [...]

Cemetery Speaker Series: The Lincoln Assassination

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head while watching a play at Ford's Theatre. The assassin, John Wilkes Booth, jumped to the stage floor and [...]


Congressional Unleashed: Pets Guided Tour

Discover where the bones are buried in a Fido-friendly tour of Congressional Cemetery by one of our expert docents. This variation of our introductory tour highlights a selection of some [...]


America 250! Plaque Dedication Ceremony

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Please join Congressional Cemetery and the District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution for a dedication ceremony celebrating the installation of a new historic "America 250!" marker at the [...]

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