
Please Note

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Civil War at Congressional: Docent Tour

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

The United States was consumed by the Civil War from 1861 to 1865. Millions of individuals were swept up in the chaos of the conflict as the war raged for [...]


Sunday Stroll Guided Tour

Join us for a guided tour of Congressional Cemetery! Over 65,000 people are interred at Congressional Cemetery, ranging from 1807 all the way until the present day. Their story is [...]


Founding the Federal City: Capital Connections Tour

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Established in 1800, Washington DC was the fledgling capital of a fledgling nation. Built to house the seats of federal government, the nation's capital soon became a city in its [...]


Sunday Stroll Guided Tour

Join us for a guided tour of Congressional Cemetery! Over 65,000 people are interred at Congressional Cemetery, ranging from 1807 all the way until the present day. Their story is [...]


Sunday Stroll Guided Tour

Join us for a guided tour of Congressional Cemetery! Over 65,000 people are interred at Congressional Cemetery, ranging from 1807 all the way until the present day. Their story is [...]


The War of 1812: Guided Tour

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

The various internments at Congressional Cemetery are a time capsule of American history. And this is especially true for the War of 1812. Sometimes called the "2nd War for Independence" [...]


Sunday Stroll Guided Tour

Join us for a guided tour of Congressional Cemetery! Over 65,000 people are interred at Congressional Cemetery, ranging from 1807 all the way until the present day. Their story is [...]

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