
Please Note

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Tombs and Tomes Book Club September (Virtual)

Historic Congressional Cemetery Chapel 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

"Utterly fascinating." —Bill Bryson A groundbreaking exploration of the science of why and how we age and die—from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist Venki Ramakrishnan. The knowledge of death is so [...]

Cinematery: The Sixth Sense

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

  NOTE: This event is the July Cinematery that has now been rescheduled for this new date. This screening is FREE for everyone but reservations are required, with those with [...]

Lincoln Assassination Tour

Back by popular demand! This is your chance to experience our one of a kind Lincoln Assassination Tour if you missed the Cemetery Speaker Series earlier this year. On April [...]

Event Series Closed to Dogs

Closed to Dogs

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Congressional Cemetery is closed to all dogs each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for family grave site visits as well as during: Funerals  |  Private & community events  |  Federal [...]

Circle of Life Fall Celebration

Join the revelry during Autumn’s Equinox March with Batalá to celebrate the Equinox and kick off Congressional Cemetery’s series of Fall Events. Sunday, September 22, 5:00pm* – 7:00pm *The drumming [...]

An Evening with the Residents: A Comedy Show at the Congressional Cemetery

Historic Congressional Cemetery Chapel 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

An Evening with the Residents: A Comedy Show at the Congressional Cemetery The Congressional Cemetery is pleased to host an uproariously funny comedy show in our on-site chapel. An Evening [...]


Choose Your Own (Corpse’s) Adventure

Historic Congressional Cemetery Gatehouse 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

The one thing we cannot do for ourselves is take care of our body after we’ve died. But that shouldn’t keep us control freaks from telling others what to do! [...]

Event Series Closed to Dogs

Closed to Dogs

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Congressional Cemetery is closed to all dogs each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for family grave site visits as well as during: Funerals  |  Private & community events  |  Federal [...]

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