There are many stones on the ground at the cemetery. Is this from neglect?

That is an excellent question. The care of headstones is the responsibility of the family of the deceased. Due to the historic nature of the site, many of these families may not visit these graves or care for them. The nonprofit organization at the cemetery employs a conservation specialist and several contractors to assist in up-righting historic stones that have fallen over from time, weather, and grounds conditions. A large portion of the stones you may encounter that are on the ground have been placed in that manner by our staff because they were deemed to be a safety hazard to the public. As of 2024, there is an accounting of nearly $11 million worth of conservation work to be done on the grounds to upright every stone and restore every marker, with the average cost to upright a single marker to be $3,500. By regularly visiting your space, you can help ensure your marker remains intact and upright. We always welcome donations to assist with restoring your ‘neighbors’ near your selected site. Please email us directly if this interests you.

Join our mission to preserve & protect our historic and active burial ground

Historic Congressional Cemetery is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit who realizes its mission in large part through charitable donations.