DCVC October Gathering at the Congressional Cemetery
DCVC is thrilled to return to Congressional Cemetery for our October gathering! VC is a nonprofit collective of leading documentary filmmakers and video journalists from across the world. We’re run entirely by volunteers and we host regular screenings of 3-4 short documentaries followed by chats with or messages from the creators. The idea is to build on our creative community here in DC and inspire our members to continue telling important stories.
October 26th, we’ll be screening films all around Life & Death. All are welcome – whether you’re a filmmaker or not! Pizza and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. This event will be outdoors and picnic-style so bringing blankets and camping chairs is recommended. Leashed dogs are welcome too.
Here’s the schedule for the evening:
6:30 doors open
7:00 screening starts
8:00 films end but mingling continues
If you want to find out more about the Video Consortium, please go to https://videoconsortium.org/. We also want to thank our hosts, Congressional Cemetery, for providing us the space for this event. They are fundraising to preserve the cemetery and you can learn more here (https://congressionalcemetery.networkforgood.com/projects/136507-website-donate-button).
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets!