
Please Note

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

The cemetery is closed to dogs every Saturday from
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Capitol Hill Muster at Congressional Cemetery

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Join Historic Congressional Cemetery at 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 27th for a Capitol Hill Muster! This FREE event will include fife and drum live performances by groups such as: [...]

Cinematery: The Haunted Mansion

Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

  At Cinematery, you never know who or what may be lurking behind the nearest tombstone...wait, is that Eddie Murphy?? For this Cinematery screening, we are going all the way [...]


Design your own Epitaph & Tombstone Workshop

Historic Congressional Cemetery Gatehouse 1801 E Street, Southeast, Washington, DC, United States

Designing your own gravestone and epitaph is a form of autobiography. How do you sum up your life in a single glance? What message do you want so durably created? [...]

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