
About laurenmalo

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So far laurenmalo has created 38 blog entries.

To Limbs Loved and Lost

Civil War buffs and fans of historical trivia know the story well. On July 2, 1863 during the Battle of Gettysburg, Union General Daniel Sickles was hit in the leg by a cannonball. The severity of the injury necessitated amputation, a common life-saving tactic employed by 19th-century surgeons. The general survived the operation and [...]

2019-07-26T11:07:39-04:00March 27th, 2015|

Thinking of Warmer Days

Boston, we know. We've got nothing on you here in DC. But by anyone's standards, it is brutally cold here in the nation's capital. The wind is howling outside the cemetery gatehouse, and the staff feel lucky to be able to hunker down and view the beauty of the cemetery from the comfort of our [...]

2019-07-26T11:02:15-04:00February 19th, 2015|

Mayors of the City of Washington

In the late fall of 2014, Historic Congressional Cemetery was honored to be chosen as the final resting place of Marion Shepilov Barry, Jr. (1936-2014), who served two terms as mayor of Washington, DC.  He is considered to have served as the capital city’s second mayor from 1979 to 1991 and its fourth, from 1995-1999.  [...]

2019-07-26T10:59:48-04:00February 13th, 2015|

Let’s Play a Game, Shall We?

We have a friendly challenge here at Congressional Cemetery: give us an American historical event and we'll find you a connection to a cemetery resident. No promises on how relevant or direct the connection will be, but we're able to find an abundance of tidbits and trivia that can connect most events in American history [...]

2019-07-26T10:52:19-04:00January 15th, 2015|

Amazon Smile: An Easy Way to Give

We understand that it's the time of year when you might be a little tired of giving. The "season of giving" includes a lot of requests for time and money, and the multitude of end-of-year letters from non-profits can be overwhelming. While December might be the time to donate, January certainly seems like the time to [...]

2019-07-26T10:51:27-04:00January 7th, 2015|

Flee the British 5k and Fun Run

On August 24 at 8 a.m., Congressional Cemetery will be hosting the Flee the British 5k to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of the Burning of Washington!  Runners will chase Dolley Madison as she rescues the famous portrait of George Washington from the flames during the War of 1812.  Those bringing up the rear will feel [...]

2019-07-26T09:57:37-04:00August 14th, 2014|

Summer Intern – Jennie Black

My name is Jennie Black, and I’m spending seven weeks interning at Congressional Cemetery this summer. I’m a native of Chicago and recently graduated from Illinois Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. The past few weeks, I've gotten the chance to be involved with many aspects of the cemetery and work [...]

2019-07-26T09:56:33-04:00July 28th, 2014|

Operation Conservation

Remember our post about cemetery nerds? (If not, see here). Same applies to this. If you love conservation, cemeteries, archaeology or preservation, this workshop is for you. More information here: We hope to see you there!

2019-07-26T09:50:45-04:00July 8th, 2014|
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